With 15 years of association management experience, Carrie is inspired by big-picture thinking and enjoys incorporating an organization’s long-term goals into daily practice. She is a positive, authentic leader recognized for successfully leading mission-driven organizations and creating programs that connect stakeholders in transformative ways. Carrie is committed to organizational growth, advocacy, and positive social change.
Carrie has a bachelor’s degree in literature from St. Norbert College and a master’s degree in literary theory from New York University. A love of books and reading led her to work in the book publishing industry as an editor, from copyediting through acquisitions. Before joining Harrington, she was the executive director of a trade association representing independent bookstores throughout the Midwest.
In her free time, Carrie is passionate about social justice, old houses, interior design, cycling, and cooking food from around the world. She is proud to live in Dayton’s Bluff, a historic neighborhood where she serves on the community council.